***************************************************************************** Dan's Quake-C Launcher Version .05 á (c) 1996 by Dan Finkelstein http://www.nac.net/~users/splat/dql.html splat@nac.net ***************************************************************************** NOTE: This is a Beta version of Dan's Quake-C Launcher. There _will_ be bugs. If you spot a bug or have a suggestion for the final release, please contact me! See the section "Bug Reporting" for instructions on how to submit bug reports. INTRODUCTION ------------ "Dan's Quake-C Launcher" (herein refered to as DQL) was written over a period of about 3 1/2 hours after I realized that the current Quake-C utilities were inadequate for most Quake users. Bascially, DQL manages all of your QuakeC patches, letting you install them, delete them, and load them. REQUIREMENTS ------------ - MS-DOS 6.22 or Windows 95 - Quake Registered. Quake C patches do not work with the shareware version of Quake. - Any Quake C patch. At the moment, these Quake C patches must be compiled. (most are) INSTALLING DQL -------------- 1) Unzip DQL into your default Quake directory. 2) Run DQL by typing "DQL" at the command prompt. 3) The first time you run the program, you will have to set it up to work with your computer. You will be prompted for the directory quake is in (ex: C:\QUAKE), and whether you start Quake with any special command line options (such as: '-nojoy' or '+map start'). DQL will scan your Quake directory for installed QuakeC patches. QuakeC patches MUST be in sub-directories of your Quake directory. (ex: C:\QUAKE\PATCH). 4) DQL will create your configuration file (DQL.CFG) and ask you to start the program again. USING DQL --------- DQL is so simple, even a Macintosh lamer can use it. Haha. If you are looking for big shiny buttons and an AOL-type interface, you'll have to go somewhere else. DQL has a very sparse interface, with the installed patches listed down the left hand side of the screen. Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down, and press enter to run a patch. DQL will exit and start Quake with the patch, and come back when it is done. Basic DQL Commands: The basic commands are listen along the bottom of the screen. ESC - Exits Dan's Quake Launcher. N - Lets you give a patch a detailed description. You are limited to about 45 characters. Type what you want, then press enter. D - Deletes the high-lighted patch. Fist DQL will delete the patch from the list, but will not remove the patch itself. DQL will then ask if you want to delete the directory and files inside it. Answer 'Y' to do so. **WARNING**: be careful doing this, because the files will be gone. Also, never delete the ID1 directory! A - Adds a patch to the list that you installed yourself (i.e. you created a directory and copied the files yourself). You will be prompted for the directory you installed it in. Do not type the entire path name, just the directory (i.e. PATCH1 instead of C:\QUAKE\PATCH1) Z - UnZip and install a patch. This option will prompt you for the the location of a .ZIP file containing a patch, then ask for the target directory. DQL will unzip and add the patch to the menu. If you are unsure about the name of the .ZIP, type a directory when DQL asks for ".ZIP to unzip:" (i.e. C:\DOWNLOAD\ZIPS). DQL will list all the .ZIP files in the directory, then ask for the file. Do not include the full path. C - Special Configuration. Some Quake C patches (like some of the Bots) require you to start Quake with special command-line options (the Eliminator bot patch needs "-listen"). High-light the patch to add a special configuration to, then type 'C'. Type the option (do not add "QUAKE" at the beginning), then press enter. A patch that has a special configuration has a star (*) at the end of the description. S - showCfg (or Show Configuration). This displays the special configuration that has been set for the high-lighted patch (if there is one). ENTER - Starts Quake with the selected patch. After it is done, DQL will reload. F1 - Shells to DOS. Type 'EXIT' to return to DQL. * If you accidentialy push a key by mistake, simply press enter without typing anything to cancel the selection. * DQL supports 22 patches at the moment. I've never heard of anyone who has more, but if I get enough comments, I'll support more in the final release. * If something ever gets screwed up, just delete the "DQL.CFG" file in the default directory (usually C:\QUAKE). * DQL was tested mostly under Windows 95 DOS. It does work, however, with DOS 6.22, althought there may be some bugs at the moment. BUG REPORTING ------------- Please report all bugs, no matter how minor to: splat@nac.net. When writing, include what you were doing when the bug appeared and what happened. If you report a bug, you will be credited in the final release. Any suggestions are appreciated! FREEWARE -------- This limited beta release is being distributed as Freeware. The final release will be Shareware. As ususal, I can not be responsible for anything that this program may do to your computer. It probably won't, but, hey you never know. Aliens may have possesed my brain while coding and I might have entered "FORMAT C:" into the program. Oh well, I guess it's a risk you'll have to take :) Thanks ------ Thanks to, of course, id software for making the best computer game in the universe. Also, all those hard working people who are coding QuakeC patches! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit my awesome Quake-News page, updated every day! http://www.nac.net/~users/splat/quake.html Or my home page, where you can download other cool programs I've written: http://www.naples.net/~nfn02927 Other programs by Dan Finkelstein: - Dan's Shell 1.2 - D-DOS 1.2 - Dan's "AI" Tic-Tac-Toe - DSTOCK 1.1 - Dan's Quake Launcher (Duh) DQL - (C) 1996 by Dan Finkelstein. All rights reserved! Windows 95 and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. Quake is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc.